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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

RVing to Panama and back

By Chuck Woodbury
RVer Jim Jaillet stopped by the headquarters last week. Jim is the author of two books about RVing in a motorhome from the USA to Central America. In this eight-minute interview, he talks about his big 343-day adventure to Panama, through Mexico, and back. It was not an easy trip and one that takes plenty of planning and preparation. But for anyone who plans to do it, Jim says it's well worthwhile.


  1. Thanks to Chuck Woodbury and RVer Jim Jaillet.

  2. Hi Jim
    This is one trip we would luv to do... A few questions tho..
    How about diesel and propane availability
    Did you go in a motorhome or 5 th wheel
    What about internet, wifi and cell towers
    If there were no rv parks what about dumping your sewer.
    We luv boon docking, there is no hum nside. We do have solar panels and are self sufficient. For long periods but have not had no power for that long a period.
    What about Laundry facilities?
    I can think of many questions but there are a few.
    Thanks Jim and happy trace ling.

  3. I believe the reason Jim wrote his second book was to answer the questions you asked above. It's available at .

  4. Great interview Jim! You continue to amaze me with your adventures.
    Carol Ann


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