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Saturday, January 3, 2009

How to find your perfect RV

In this 13-minute video, watch as a couple explores several RV dealer lots in search of their perfect fifth wheel trailer. In each RV they visit, they cite what they like and what they dislike. This is a terrific example of how a would-be RVer should take his or her time and examine many, many RVs before choosing one. This is well worth watching if you are at some stage of the RV buying process.


  1. The very FIRST question should be ..How much does it weigh and can the current or future vehicle tow the specified weight?

  2. Did you sit on the potty? With the closed in ones a big or tall person might not have room to do the 'paper' work.

  3. Why doesn't this hi-falutin broad just buy a house?? She did not covered anything of any real importance in buying a camper!! She just comes across as spoiled rotten, and very snooty!!
    This is a terrible example of what someone should look for in a camper - especially a newbie!!

  4. One other thing I look for in a camper is the fold away couch bed. Some of you may never use it, but we actually bought the same make of camper but with 3 slide outs within a year because there was not enough room to walk around the fold away bed to access the kitchen. The first one had the kitchen in the back of the camper, which I liked, and the new one has the camper in the middle which is easier to get to the fridge/stove/microwave, etc. Also, look at how the cabinets next to the stove are made. Are they held up by cheap plastic parts are more wood? We also like the all enclosed bathroom. Happy Hunting.

  5. Oh My Gosh!! She needs a 3 bedroom house. Large sinks use more water. Large refrigerator requires more energy. Where are the questions about house batteries, LP, water and waste tank capacities. Or does she expect to be hooked up to sewer, water and electric every time she stops. No boondocking for this lady.

  6. Wow! A couple of those anonymous comments were harsh. I used to sell RV's and I can tell you from first hand experience - I would much rather work with someone who knows what they like than someone who is wishy-washy. Problem is - RV's are always a trade-off or a compromise. They seem like a smart couple and have probably figured that out by now. You can't have it all, so figure out what is REALLY important.
    Good luck.


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