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Sunday, April 8, 2007

Nap time and RVing may not always mix

Here's a fun little home movie about a couple on the road in their RV. But when he decides to take a nap while she drives. . . something unexpected happens. Don't let this happen to you! Video running time: about 90 seconds.


  1. These never work with a Mac. Why ?

  2. We had trouble, with seeing these. Even put our gateway in the shop at best buy. They could not figure it out either. However we could play on our hewert packard. So when we got it back home, we just satarted mesing around comparing the two. Did we ever feel stupid. Had to sign up with "you tube". Its free. now no problem.... Can see them. But, really do not ever remember having to do so on the Hewert Packard. It is 10 yrs old. Might ust try it?

  3. These work just fine for me. I have a Gateway. I also have never signed up with "you tube".


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